
This blog is dedicated to the topics of Course materials, Innovation, and Technology in Education. it is intended as an information source for the college store industry, or anyone interested in how course materials are changing. Suggestions for discussion topics or news stories are welcome.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4-10 is Read an E-Book Week

The Chase Calendar of Events recognizes March 4-10 as “Read an E-book Week.”  This week is to promote and engage in events that encourage reading with an emphasis on reading e-books, worldwide.  The events are supported by authors, publishers, manufacturers, distributors and retail outlets around the globe.  Read an E-Book Week encourages people to educate and inform the public about the pleasures and advantages of reading electronically through events that can include: public readings, library displays, reading challenges, school visits, newspaper and blog articles, chat show appearances, internet radio interviews, e-book giveaways, and banners on your website.  To learn and read more about Read an E-Book Week please visit this site http://www.ebookweek.com/